26 March 2008

i am truly wicked

god 1i must be wicked because there has been no rest for me. i have worked and worked and worked for the entire week before leaving to see my family and i have done little more than work since.

i am not complaining because i have been doing things like creating Chinese Gods and hilarious peasants. i have also been enjoying the company of a lovely cast. for those locals who are interested in coming to see it....

The Good Woman of Setzuan
by Bertolt Brecht
translated by Eric Bentley

presented by Constellation Theatre Company
at the Clark Street Play House

Directed by Allison A. Stockman
Designed by Chris Baine, A. J. Guban, and Yvette M. Ryan

Cast: Katie Atkinson, Molly Cahill, Katy Carkuff, Catherine Deadman, John Feist, Kevin Finkelstein, Lewis Freeman, John Geoffrion, Keith Irby, Ashley Ivey, Hilary Kacser, Jenny Leopold, Lisa Lias, Kenny Littlejohn, Beckett Martin, Francisco Reinoso, Joe Thornhill, Meghan Tolmie, Yasmin Tuazon, Ron Ward.

Order tickets here.

14 March 2008

gone, baby, gone.

i have been silent all week because i had to cram all the work i would have done this weekend into the week days because i am out of town friday-sunday. i promise there will be some sort of update when i get back.

i did finish a pair of mittens while i was at work yesterday.

09 March 2008


yesterday we had very high winds here in the DC area. the theatre i was working in had a series of power surges that screwed with the lights (we were working upstairs by i hear the show that was running downstairs was made rather special by this event) and when i got home there was a surprise waiting for me.

that is half a pine tree that feel down out of our yard onto the cul-de-sac. picture if from my kitchen on the third floor. the branches hit my neighbor's car. he was fortunate it didn't do much damage. i heard from my other neighbors that what i saw was pretty good because there was significant clean up before i got home.

the hanging wires are just cable lines (so we have no cable. thank you to my neighbors for sharing their wireless with me until we get it fixed.) but the truck you see in the corner of the shot is the power company coming to untangle them from the power lines.

never a dull moment!

07 March 2008

when i was awake and not working

another tech week has come and gone. this one was particularly tricky and energy draining for several reasons.

1. cast of 19 actors ranging in age from 14-40ish.
2. Chicago = musical. musical = always more work.
3. 118 mile round trip drive daily. (that is approx 60-75 minutes one way)
4. rain. lots of it.
5. i was trying to get 2 other shows under control at the same time.

but when i was awake and not working, some interesting things happened.

bigfor instance, i learned that you can buy drain opener in a convenient 80 oz family size bottle. this is very good when you live in an old apartment and this elixir of life allow you to shower and wash dishes. i always just bought two bottles at a time in the past. score!

organizationwhile picking up some props for the director of my next show i bought a second 6-drawer organizer. it is now filled with all of the notions, trim, crafty bits, and other flotsam and jetsam of being a costume designer. i used to keep this stuff in bags piled in my anne frank closet (yes, that is the name--and it is a story) with little rhyme or reason because i hadn't taken the step to get organized. now my sequins are all together! now i won't buy a 15th package of 3/8" wide non-roll black elastic!

family of tapes
this organizational bender (which was undoubtedly fueled by sleep deprivation) reveled that i own 9 tape measures. yes, 9. that i am aware of. new ones crop up all the time. but i can never find one when i want it. if you looks closely in my new and improved bag of tape measures (in a drawer!) you will see that one of those tape measures is still in the package. nice.

i finished knitting a mitten. production meetings are always so long, and you spend so much time talking about light cues that traveling with knitting is a must. i am lucky that my director for this show is a friend and he is married to one of my knitting BFFs. he gets it.

isn't the mitten beautiful?
i love it. i can't wait until i have two finished mittens! i am also excited about taking a picture outside in real light. the colors are amazing in real light. this is my own take on an existing pattern. don't look too closely at the top decreases they are hard to work in seed stitch and maintain the pattern.