progress reports on unrealistic goals involving art, design, and veggie yum.
23 October 2008
remember the head shots i had taken on sunday for the company website? the proofs are up, and now i have to decide which 5 i want to have edited. here are 52 to pick from.
please help me. photos are here. i am fairly certain they won't be up much longer than a week.
leave your favourites in the comments by photo number.
24,40.46, 5
40's your winner.
let's see - - - 40 and 46 are nice for the Constellation needs - - - there are SO many to choose from! I also kinda like 23 (i think that's the one)
oooh. i like #27 and #41 and my favorite might be #50 b/c you look like a gal from a noir novel. <3
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