17 January 2008

now showing

life is a dreamlast weekend i opened another show, and it is running through February 2. the details...

Life's a Dream
by Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Adapted by John Barton and Adrian Mitchell
Directed by Alexander Strain
Produced by Journeymen Theater Ensemble
playing at Church Street Theater

cast: Maggie Glauber, Rex Daugherty, Eric Messner, Brian Crane, Theo Hadjimichael, Lindsay Haynes, Jim Jorgensen, Jesse Terrill, Andrew Vergara Retizos, and Mary C. Davis.

check it out.
no, really. i designed the same show with a different company about a year ago, and i am much happier with this design. and i really enjoy watching the show. i know, i know.... but kitty... Spanish Golden Age drama?

just go, it is worth it.

listen to the City Paper on this one. you can also go read about how it really isn't as golden age-y as some would like over at DC Theatre Scene.... you know... in case you are still reeling from the last time you saw a bad production of Fuente Ovejuna.

and i realize this is going to make me sound ungrateful, but i have to say it.

my costume design is not 17th century Spanish.
just had to clear that up since the DCTS reviewer gives many impressive facts about the period, and i wouldn't want it to be misleading to folks who see the show. (hey, but like a good bra... i am supportive!)

no 17th century.
not Spanish.
those clothes are made up creations that blend the play's origin (Spain) with its setting (Poland) and liberally borrow from a fantasy style composed of elements of the Mongolian plains, late 19th century Algerian Jews, traditional Nordic knitwear, Native American, Byzantian, Indian (dot, not feather), and West African styles.

that is indeed a small insight into the way my mind works.

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