31 August 2007

august 30th in review

it was a good birthday.
it started with a breakfast meeting (that lasted until lunch) with a director i am really enjoying. then i went to work at the store where my work pals gave me unexpected presents and even sang! singing! wow.

after work my wonderful boss took S. and i for sangria. i had lots of voicemail and text messages when i got home from friends who are far away (like my cousin in ohio and former roommate out in LA.). the best thing though might be an email from my friend B. who i have not seen in almost 2 years since he moved to georgia.

all in all, a really good day. and now the photo roll....

Chocolate cake with chocolate mousse and marzipan filling and a marzipan top. yum.

seed stitch
seed stitch wash cloth with crocheted border from my pal S. who also gave me the cake! i'm so proud of S. she is an amazing knitter, and this is the first time she has used crochet in her projects!

orange skull wash cloth and oatmeal soap from my pal A. clearly she knows my knit style!

pretty earrings from my parents. when my cousin J. called me last night i told her about them, and i plan to wear them at her wedding. my mum is also giving me the present of a manicure/pedicure right before the wedding. J. and i joked about what color my nails could be. we ruled out blue and black. sheesh. talk about a "bridezilla". ha!

owl lamp
let there be light! the owl lamp is really cool and fits the old lamp's spot perfectly. note the cakes of rolled sock yarn beside the lamp. these are my etsy purchases. pretty, pretty!

the top down sweater is mere inches from being finished at the bottom (then i pick up sleeves) so progress will be shown soon!

1 comment:

Cactusneedles said...

Sounds like you had an awesome birhtday!